Curriculum Documents:

Ontario Mathematics Curriculum:


Required Readings and Course Material

Outside resources will be provided to the students. If certain third-party materials are not accessible due to any restrictions on internet access or any other type of restriction, it is solely the student's responsibility to find the aforementioned resource that is unattainable. This being said, students are always welcome to contact the instructor, and if possible, the instructor will try to forward the visual/reading materials required.


Academic Support for Students

The instructor is always available to provide students with support throughout the course. If additional support is required, please contact the administration office. Students with special needs will receive additional support throughout the duration of the course and any and all necessary modifications/accommodations needed will be delivered to any/all students with special needs.

All resources are in rotation and will change periodically per module. All changes, if any, will be updated to the course as they occur. All resources will be appropriately credited in the module(s) where utilized.

Last modified: Saturday, 6 January 2024, 7:07 PM