Throughout the course, you are expected to be mindful of your work and other students' work. You are expected to do homework regularly and keep track of your progress. Below are the guiding questions and rubrics for assessment as learning.

 Checklist Generic - Self-Checklist

  • Did I try my best to answer every question?
  • Did I show my work for each question?
  • Did I double-check to make sure each question is correct?

 Peer Assessment Generic

Peer Assessment Presenter: _________________


Level 1 (0-59%)

Level 2 (60-69%)

Level 3 (70-79%)

Level 4 (80-100%)

Application (based on peer assessment)

Limited skills in presenting written work: boring to watch

Some skill in presenting written work: mildly interesting to watch

Good skill demonstrated in presenting written work: interesting

Excellent level of skill in presenting written work: very interesting to watch

After hearing this presentation from ________________, circle which category of marks you think the presenter deserves and explain why.

 Self-Assessment Generic

What mark do I deserve for this assignment? Refer to the rubric and provide reasons for why you deserve this mark.

Sửa lần cuối: Thứ hai, 4 tháng ba 2024, 1:19 AM